Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saamanjasya 2010

It has been my deepest desire to serve the society in whatever way I can. I contemplated a lot on 2 options; firstly the civil services and secondly the politics. The answer that I came up with presents a very grim picture of today. It seems neigh impossible to serve the society in these positions. It has become a channel for the self absorbed and selfish motives. Agreed that exceptions are there but those people find it extremely hard to survive.
Hence, continuing on my career path after my engineering I joined VGSoM for my MBA. Here I got the opportunity to work for a cause. The basic ideals of VGSoM are such which aligns perfectly with my view. I am associated with the VGSoM initiative which we call Shraddha spreading colours in life. As a part of Shraddha I have been able to help small kids realize what smile is and make them do a tête-à-tête with fun. The feeling of joy emanating from their faces brings a distinct pleasure.
At VGSoM, it did not stop at just Shraddha. We wanted to spread ripples of self conscience and social responsibility amongst the youth. To achieve this motive of ours, we organized a festival for a social cause. This festival provided a platform for the triad of industry, academia and NGOs come together helped by the youth.
At first sight it seems we have achieved some success towards our goal and it is a promise from VGSoM to the world, that we will not stop our movement come what may. We want a social revolution in India and we will achieve it through all fair channels available to us.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010