Monday, April 26, 2010

Pursue your passion.....

Well it was kind of nice to have a chat with an old friend. The person here made me realize the importance of pursuing your passion and making things happen rather than sit back and relax.
Its not an easy choice sometimes, but if you are passionate than you need to stand up to it.
I realized that my life has been like a sheep taking my career path like a sheep herd.
Wherever people were going, I went along. Even though i don't think I have been wrong coz of my passion for pretty many things but still I sometimes feel that my life could have been different.
Just a thing to keep in mind. Remember your passion and don't loose focus :)

What do we need to succeed as a nation?

Often heard people saying that we need to discipline people for India to grow. What they mean is that we need a penalty system like the US to punish the simple wrongdoings.
What I feel that India has seen the past glory days with Saints preaching meditation and the art of self control.
Is that art so different from Discipline.
I don't think so.
If we can inculcate that same self control in today's people, India can be a much better place to live in.
any comments?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Does power nap help? My personal experience.

Throughout my life, I have been the person who sleeps just once in a day. Be it for 4 hours or 15, but its only once. Recently, observing some people, I have felt lazy in afternoons and tried to sleep. The power naps have brought serious downturn in my productivity and the only thing I look up to is to get a nap.
Am not sure what it is, but thats the case with me..
People out there beware :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why I hate studying...

I simply hate studying. It may sound a paradox that even though I hate studying, I never stop learning.
Where does one draw a line between these two. For one, learning is a continuous process with a holistic view while studying is an institutionalized affair with set norms. The existence of norms itself make me averse to studying.
In my life, I have never been compelled by anything other than my interests and responsibilities. I am interested in learning and feel responsibility to learn. But studying is such a waste of time.
Why do we as a nation want to prepare jack of all trades when we could easily allow people to learn what they want and become masters at it.. Leaving a food for thought...

Are Indians too much into making idols out of people?

An interesting take came to my mind while reading newspaper. With the current Maoist, corruption and all debates, some editors have actually come out saying we need a Nehru or a Gandhi. It feels like they are thought of as Gods who can right every wrong.
My take is, if that was true, India would not be facing any problems at all. Gandhiji spent almost his entire life before India gained freedom and Nehru got more than ample time to start the ball rolling in the right direction. Still we are here where we want them back. Praying does not solve problems, doing does.

Isn't it time before we stop idol worship and believe in our human capabilities. Society is not so weak so as to be shattered by individual acts of blasphemy. If people think properly and in similar directions, the dream of a corruption free India with no internal threats is not far fetched.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My take on examinations.

Education is a system to impart learning and enhance wisdom amongst the pupil. Examinations in the current form do nothing but defeat the purpose.
It is true that there is a need to judge a pupil's progress. But frankly speaking, is it fair to see what one has learnt over the period of months in a period of hours. This seems strikingly unfair to me. I am a firm believer in the fact that evaluation system should be cumulative and individualized. It may be a bit tough on the teachers but then their convenience is nothing compared to stunting a person's growth forever.

To sum it up:
Examinations are the biggest contradiction of the education paradigm. On one side education is about learning and on other its about passing exams. PARADOX ..