Friday, April 23, 2010

My take on examinations.

Education is a system to impart learning and enhance wisdom amongst the pupil. Examinations in the current form do nothing but defeat the purpose.
It is true that there is a need to judge a pupil's progress. But frankly speaking, is it fair to see what one has learnt over the period of months in a period of hours. This seems strikingly unfair to me. I am a firm believer in the fact that evaluation system should be cumulative and individualized. It may be a bit tough on the teachers but then their convenience is nothing compared to stunting a person's growth forever.

To sum it up:
Examinations are the biggest contradiction of the education paradigm. On one side education is about learning and on other its about passing exams. PARADOX ..

1 comment:

Harsha said...

welcum bac to blogging ..